Donnerstag, 5. Juni 2008

On The Road Again ...

Well here we are, out and about again and back in Wiesbaden for our annual mixing with the masses at the DGFP Trade Fair “Personal & Weiterbildung”. The big difference this year is that we are representing the Junior Management School and not MWonline, but apart from that most of it is familiar, with the charming “Hotel Alexander” (highly recommended), our traditional sushi dinner last night and some cocktails afterwards to calm our nerves before the big event – never change a winning routine, that’s what I say.

First impressions here in the Rhein-Main Hallen are that there is more money available for large and particularly ugly trade stands than in previous years, with staying true to its name with a monstrously horrible stand in a stomach-turning combination of purple and lime green. The jMS display looks reassuringly business-like and professional in comparison, which is just the effect we want. But most important of all, nearly everybody seems to be offering coffee, biscuits and ice cream, so it looks like it’s going to be a more than bearable two days “in the marketplace”.

2 Kommentare:

Johannes hat gesagt…

Hallo Außendienst,
ich hoffe mal, das Foto ist entstanden, BEVOR sich die Türen zur Messe für den Besucherandrang öffneten.
Wünsche euch viel Erfolg und dass Ihr vor lauter Gesprächen traditionell keine Zeit zum Mittagessen habt.
Haut rein.

Anonym hat gesagt…

Sehr schön getroffen! Nach einer Stunde hatte ich genug und sitze in einem schönen Wiesbadener Cafe und esse Pasta statt Kekse. Danke für die Karte,
Oliver Rau