Donnerstag, 20. November 2008

Franconia meets Tuscany in the Creative Pan of a Gifted New British Cooking Star

Well, that’s how I would have written the headline concerning the culinary highlight mentioned below, but then there’s no accounting for taste (or lack of it). For me, the proof of the pudding was the five clean plates on the table after the meal. OK, so three of my “customers” had just come back from a 40 minute run around the park and were hungry enough to eat the wood off the kitchen door frame, but I had cunningly included this fact in my planning and knew, therefore, that this was a perfect opportunity to “get experimental”.

“Never Change a Winning Recipe”

But old habits die hard, so it looks like I’ll be forced to be more conservative in the future and avoid too many experiments on the food fusion front, as it seems to lead more to confusion, at least with this bunch. Ah well, you can’t please all of the people all of the time. Interestingly, and gratifyingly, the Italian/English/German “crossover” combination seems to at least have worked very nicely on the football field last night … 2:1 for England vs Germany in Berlin, masterminded by Fabio Capello. Well, I had to mention it, didn’t I, as I don’t think any of my German colleagues will – it would probably give them another bout of indigestion!

1 Kommentar:

Johannes hat gesagt…

An dieser Stelle sei ein Geheimnis verraten. Was unser "Experimentalkoch" nicht weiß: Während er zwischenzeitlich in der Küche verschwand, um die letzten Reste aus den Töpfen zu kratzen, gab unser junger Kollege freimütig zu: "Wenn ich nach Hause komme und fände im Kühlschrank nur eine Dose Tomaten und Nürnberger Bratwürste, ich würde das Gleiche kochen."

Natürlich nur unter Ausschluss der Öffentlichkeit - aber dennoch...